Advantages Of Using Simulators for Testing

Navigation system controlled by the driver

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Back in the day, live sky testing was the only way to validate the performance of GNSS receivers and systems. It displayed various weaknesses over time. An end user doesn’t have control over the GNSS signal being transmitted, and the signal is not repeatable between two different tests. This is caused by constantly changing factors, such as GNSS satellite positions and objects around the antenna. Also, atmospheric conditions change and have significant effects on single-frequency systems.

Today, a GNSS simulator can help developers recreate, repeat, and develop tests in a faster, more efficient manner.

Unlike in the early days, when field test was heavily used to test a navigation system, current best practice states that most testing is to be carried out under controlled, repeatable conditions in a secure laboratory. Veering away from old methods, using a GNSS simulation is now considered the best practice for validating systems in various scenarios and conditions in a controlled lab environment.

Its application is rampant in the industry and the academe in fields including navigation, automotive, telecommunications, and more. It’s also being used to facilitate different phases of research and product development, including analysis of requirements, production, maintenance, and support.

Overall, GNSS simulators provide greater control, flexibility, repeatability, reliability, and efficiency.

Why is testing simulation important?

Software testing is a crucial aspect of the software development process that ensures the product functions as intended and meets customer expectations. Testing helps identify bugs, errors, and performance issues in software before its release, which helps in reducing the risk of failure and improves customer satisfaction. However, debugging and testing can be time-consuming and costly, especially involving real-world environments.

This part is where testing simulation becomes essential. Simulation allows developers to create a virtual environment replicating real-world scenarios and test the software in a controlled setting. Using simulators for testing offers numerous benefits over traditional testing methods. One of the significant advantages is the speed at which testing can be done. Since simulators are controlled environments, testing can be done faster and more efficiently than in real-world scenarios. This not only saves time but also reduces costs associated with testing.

Another benefit of using simulators is that they provide more accurate results than traditional testing methods. Simulators allow developers to replicate scenarios and test the software under various conditions. This process is called prototype testing, which helps identify potential issues that may not have been caught in real-world testing. Additionally, simulators help reduce development time by enabling developers to identify and fix problems early in development. This results in higher-quality software being released in less time.

Several studies have shown the benefits of testing simulation. According to a study by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), testing with simulators can identify 80% of defects in software, compared to only 50% when using traditional testing methods. Another study by the University of Maryland found that simulation-based testing reduced testing time by 50%, resulting in a 30% reduction in overall development time.


Here’s why a GNSS simulator is the future:

Repeatable Testing

Once a GNSS goes live, its performance is closely monitored and any hiccups along the way are documented and resolved through a series of tests. With the help of a simulator, each test scenario can be replicated in the exact same way multiple times. Because these scenarios are recorded in the simulator, testing can be repeated and done in a timely manner. This also eliminates any discrepancy in scenario testing, making it easy to identify issues, determine the causes, and create a resolution that is absolute and precise.

Controlled Testing

Navigation testing via phoneSimulators make it possible to run tests without having to worry about delays due to weather and other environmental conditions because all tests can be done in a laboratory. Test scenarios, using basic to extreme conditions, can be developed and executed quickly, something that can’t be done when live testing. Equipment performance can be assessed and compared to any data on hand, allowing testers to close any gap between the equipment and the system.

Future Scenario Testing

Simulators can also be used to test future equipment capabilities during the development stage and early stages of operation. This method reduces any errors and flaws that may arise once the equipment goes live, as these scenarios can be created and executed even before the actual launch. Simulators offer a cost-effective and efficient method of evaluation and allow for the development of more stable and well-built GNSS receivers and systems that can perform at optimum capacity.

Overall, using a simulator can give testers the ability to repeat tests using current scenarios, create possible scenarios to test current and future systems, and the capability to execute these tests immediately. It’s a fast, reliable, and effective testing method that yields accurate results.

Simulator vs. Emulator

Simulators and emulators are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences.

Simulators are software programs that simulate the behavior of a system or device, usually for the purpose of testing. They create a virtual environment that replicates the characteristics of the system or device and allow developers to test software in a controlled environment.

Emulators, on the other hand, are hardware or software systems that replicate the functionality of a particular device or system. They mimic the entire system, including the hardware and software components, and allow developers to test software in an environment that closely resembles the target system.

When it comes to testing, both simulators and emulators have their pros and cons.

Pros of using simulators:

  • Faster testing: Simulators are typically faster than emulators, allowing developers to test software more quickly.
  • Greater control: Simulators provide a more controlled environment for testing, allowing developers to replicate specific scenarios easily.
  • Easier to set up: Simulators are usually easier to set up and configure than emulators.
  • No additional hardware required: Simulators do not require additional hardware, making them more cost-effective.

Cons of using simulators:

  • Less accurate: Simulators may not accurately represent the target device or system, which could lead to issues not being detected until testing on the actual device or system.
  • Limited functionality: Simulators may not replicate all the features and functions of the target device or system.

Pros of using emulators:

  • More accurate: Emulators more accurately replicate the target device or system, providing more reliable results.
  • More extensive functionality: Emulators typically offer more extensive functionality, replicating all the features and functions of the target device or system.

Cons of using emulators:

  • Slower testing: Emulators can be slower than simulators, making testing take longer.
  • More difficult to set up: Emulators can be more challenging to set up and configure, requiring additional hardware and software.

An example of simulators vs. emulators is the iOS simulator and Xcode emulator. The iOS simulator is a software program that simulates the behavior of an iOS device, allowing developers to test iOS apps on a Mac. The Xcode emulator, on the other hand, is a hardware and software system that replicates the functionality of an iOS device, allowing developers to test iOS apps on a computer running Xcode. The iOS simulator is faster, easier to set up, and provides a more controlled environment, while the Xcode emulator is more accurate and offers more extensive functionality.

10 Perks Of Using Simulators For Testing

Cost Savings

Using simulators for testing can save organizations high costs compared to testing in real-world environments.

No Maintenance Costs

Since simulators are virtual environments, they do not require maintenance, saving organizations time and money.

Greater Coverage

Simulators enable developers to test the software under a wide range of scenarios and conditions, providing greater coverage and ensuring higher-quality products.

Faster Testing

Testing in simulators is faster than in real-world scenarios, which reduces testing time and helps get products to market faster.

More Accurate Results

Simulators provide more accurate results as they allow developers to replicate different scenarios and test software under various conditions.

Reduced Development Time

Using simulators helps reduce development time by identifying and fixing issues early in the development process.

Better Debugging Capabilities

Simulators offer advanced debugging capabilities that enable developers to identify and fix issues quickly.

Enhanced Collaboration

Simulators provide a collaborative environment where developers can work together to test software and identify issues.

Reduced Risk of Data Loss

Testing in simulators eliminates the risk of data loss, which can occur when testing in real-world environments.

Improved User Experience

Simulators allow developers to test the software under different scenarios, which helps identify issues and improve the user experience.

Simulator In Mobile Testing

Mobile testing is an essential aspect of mobile app development, and simulators are a critical tool in the testing process. Simulators provide a cost-effective and efficient way to test mobile apps in a controlled environment, replicating the behavior of different devices and operating systems.

The benefits of using simulators in mobile testing include:

  1. Cost-effective: Simulators are a cost-effective way to test mobile apps, as they eliminate the need to purchase multiple physical devices.
  2. Efficient: Simulators are faster than physical devices, enabling developers to test apps more quickly and get them to market faster.
  3. Replicate different scenarios: Simulators can replicate different scenarios, such as network connectivity issues and low battery levels, allowing developers to test app performance under various conditions.
  4. Easy to set up and use: Simulators are easy to set up and use, making them accessible to developers of all skill levels.
  5. Cross-platform testing: Simulators enable developers to test apps on multiple operating systems, such as iOS and Android, without needing to switch between physical devices.

Examples of simulators in mobile testing include the iOS simulator and Android emulator. The iOS simulator is a tool that comes with Xcode and allows developers to test iOS apps on a Mac. The Android emulator is a powerful virtual device that allows developers to replicate the behavior of an Android device, allowing them to test and debug their apps on their desktop computers.

Statistics and studies have shown that using simulators in mobile testing can lead to significant cost savings and improved app quality. For example, a survey conducted by Sauce Labs found that using simulators for mobile testing resulted in a 50% reduction in testing time and a 60% reduction in testing costs compared to physical devices. Another study found that 48% of mobile app users would give up on an app if it takes longer than six seconds to load, highlighting the importance of thorough testing to ensure a positive user experience.


Simulators provide several benefits for testing software and mobile applications. From cost savings to faster testing, simulators are a critical tool for developers to create quality products. Using simulators allows developers to save time, reduce costs, and improve app performance, ensuring that end-users have a positive experience.

The importance of testing simulation cannot be understated, as it allows developers to identify and fix issues before releasing products to the market. The use of simulators is likely to increase as technology advances and new devices and operating systems are released.

Simulators will become more sophisticated in the future, allowing developers to replicate even more complex scenarios and test software under multiple conditions. As technology advances, simulators will also become faster and easier to use, making them more accessible for developers of all skill levels.

So, keeping up to date with advances in testing technology is essential for developers who want to remain competitive and create high-quality products.

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