A Look into What 2019 Has in Store for Businesses

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Last year, there was plenty of focus on establishing a digital footprint so that businesses could connect with customers online. As with all kinds of change, however, it takes time to notice results. This year is when companies realize the benefits of their digital fortification efforts.

An Expected Spike in Online Marketing

It’s a busy time for IT companies, not just in Kansas City but everywhere around the globe. As more clients realize the importance of online brand presence and engagement, they’re doubling their efforts to be first to utilize their brand’s newfound superpowers. While they might not say goodbye to flyers and vehicle wraps as advertising tools just yet, they will be embracing the fact that they need to spend on online marketing as well. Specifically, they’ll invest in apps as customers shy away from web search in favor of in-app queries.

Companies will also want to tighten and strengthen their team as skills become an expensive commodity in 2019. The construction industry might be the most underperforming industry internationally, but cybersecurity is not far behind. Jobs remain unfilled, which can result in more cybersecurity attacks, leaving those newly minted apps and freshly rebranded websites vulnerable.

Bigger Data Requirement Means Busy Business

Employes working

If you think that it is impossible to increase data use in a time when everyone is already online, you are wrong. Each uses at least a mobile phone, but do not forget their other gadgets, such as laptops, smart watches, tablets, and various wearable tech. Smart homes and security systems also require data, most of which are stored in private clouds for easy but secure access. Data use is not even close to reaching the saturation point, as customers love being part of a community and are more than eager to try the latest app that hits the market.

This explains the uptick in traffic across all platforms, and businesses are wise enough to market whenever they can. Social media giants make it easy, too. They allow Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest business profiles, while Snap is visibly courting established names to use the app religiously.

Site Renovations Continue

It can be hard to stop when you see results. For companies, this means continually renovating their sites to improve its performance on all fronts. Site visitors expect a website to load quickly and to act intuitively. These are tasks knowledgeable site developers already know to prepare for, but the forms of content that go in those websites may experience a flux.

Blogs remain handy tools for brand promotion, but video content is starting to take the lead. Customers are also looking for authenticity, which means that businesses need to do better than present themselves as the Barbie of their industry. Here’s where disposable content comes into play. You might notice known brands posting less on their feed but using Stories more frequently.

Overall, business is booming. Whatever industry you are in, if you know the trends and adapt to them, 2019 can be your best year yet.

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