From Milestone To Production: The Case Against Very Public And Viral Wedding Proposals

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Technological advancements have allowed us all to preserve great memories and milestones in ways unimaginable decades ago. Imagine having to wait for a week — at the very least — to have films developed and printed to finally see the pictures you took from certain parties or events. You will have to wait a few more days to have some of them reprinted to give away to your loved ones.

Going Viral

Today, all it takes is a decent phone with a camera, and you can instantly upload pictures online for sharing or in the cloud for storing. This has made sharing and storing memories a lot easier and more fun. In fact, nowadays, it seems like every moment is made memorable and, more importantly, Instagrammable.

Notice the number of young people taking selfies everywhere and snapping pictures at every little thing they do — from foodie posts to outfits-of-the-day to woke-up-like-this posts. Many people have made every moment a memory to be captured and shared with everyone on social. If you have a social media account and spend a significant time browsing through it, you would have probably noticed many popular posts that keep popping up on your newsfeed and are constantly shared by people.

These are called viral posts, as in a virus that gets easily spread around. Most people think these posts are share-worthy, so they repost them on different social media platforms. You’ll see different types of viral posts such as memes, funny and satirical clips, news and current events, and even some very personal and private moments such as marriage proposals.

There have already been several very public marriage proposals that have made their way to YouTube and garnered millions of shares and even more views. And as exciting and as fun as these viral videos can be, the question on some people’s minds is this: Is a public marriage proposal really an expression of undying love and devotion, or is it just to feed the ego?

Love and Devotion to Who?

Numerous marriage proposals have made it to social media as viral posts. Not all of them are done similarly with different settings and backdrops. Some prefer to capture the private moment with the help of a few friends, like setting up a private dinner with the one taking the video hidden somewhere. It is a bit sneaky and somewhat creepy to some, but if it does the job, it does the job, right?

On the other hand, some really spend months planning for it. They search high and low for the braided diamond engagement ring to give to their significant other. They coordinate and organize everything with the help of professional events organizers. They enlist the help of friends and family and pay for other services such as marching bands, dance troupes, and even circus acts on several occasions.

Wedding proposals have turned from an intimate and private shared moment between two individuals into a public frenzy with all the grandiose and fanfare of Hollywood events. Some find it romantic; others don’t.

Of the former, they believe that a public wedding proposal is an ultimate expression of love and devotion. The risk of rejection makes it an even worthier pursuit for them. To them, it’s like a modern fairy tale unfolding before their eyes. The knight in shining armor taking on the different hurdles and obstacles to prove he’s willing to do anything and everything to get the beautiful maiden in the end and live a happy-ever-after life. Only this time, instead of facing dungeons and dragons, the modern-day knight is faced with exorbitant bills and possible public humiliation.

People who think that public marriage proposals are unnecessary and are not exactly true expressions of love believe that while getting that sweet “yes” is indeed a reason to rejoice and celebrate and be proud of, it is something that should be enjoyed privately with your significant other. It doesn’t take away from the love shared between the couple.

It’s not even about saving oneself from potential humiliation if the person rejects the proposal (although several failed marriage proposals have been caught on film and, unfortunately, shared online as well). It is more about keeping it meaningful and intimate between the two individuals. No fanfare is needed to show sincerity and devotion to the person you love.

Some arguments say that very public proposals only feed the proposer’s ego, especially if the proposee is uncomfortable being the center of attention. It’s just a way for them to get some extra attention and affirmation. Others believe that it is a form of coercion, and it puts the one being proposed to in a difficult and stressful situation, especially if she’s not ready. The question “Will you marry me?” has now become “Will you dare say no to me in front of all these people who just witnessed a grandiose and elaborate display of my love and affection for you and risk being judged and going viral for the rejection?” This puts everything in an entirely different perspective.

While it might not be the same for all who did it, perhaps it would be wiser for anyone proposing to give it a more serious thought. They should ask themselves which approach will be more appreciated by their partners. The answer to The Big Question should come naturally and sincerely without placing any unnecessary pressure on a person.

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