Digital Marketing: The Secret To Business Success

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Eighty-one percent of Americans are on their smartphones. Do you know what that means? That’s 81% of the country that you could be promoting your business to. Want to know what successful businesses of our generation have in common? They all take advantage of technology, the internet, and the media to promote their businesses. If you want to succeed just like these businesses do, you need to have a strong digital marketing campaign.

What’s the first thing that comes into mind when you think about digital marketing? It’s most probably social media, and you’re not wrong. But that is not the only form of digital marketing there is. There are several forms of digital marketing, but we will only be discussing the most important and highly effective digital marketing components to promote your business.

Social Media

Fine, let’s start it off with social media. Social media is a great platform for you to build awareness. This is, by far, the easiest and cheapest way to reach people and get recognized. If you want your brand to be known, social media is the way to go. But, aside from getting discovered, this is also a great way to understand the market. By following the different trends and hot topics on the media, you get to figure out what your brand should be doing to grab the internet’s attention.

Take note that Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are the three most commonly used social media platforms by marketers. These are also the platforms with the most active users, making sense to go where the customers are. However, you have to understand that being active on social media is only the first step, but it’s not enough. You can post endless amounts of content, but if your content is bland, boring, and not engaging, people will scroll right past it. Remember, it only takes a second to grab a person’s attention. If you don’t get them to stay on your post for more than 3 seconds, then what’s the point? Which leads us to…

Content and Video Marketing

Content marketing is all about knowing how to engage with your audience. It’s about giving them an experience rather than just the product. As mentioned before, you can’t just spew out content. Good content marketing means good planning and execution. To have a good plan, you first have to identify your goals. You also have to identify who your audience is to create the right content. This is one of the most important components of your digital marketing campaign, and it takes a lot of money and time. Companies will spend billions to have good content marketing, especially when it comes to videos.

Video marketing is a great way to increase website traffic and sales. That’s because people are more likely to remember videos and visual ads compared to just text. People are also more likely to buy a product after watching a video about it, especially unboxing videos. ;


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Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is one of those digital marketing strategies that usually go unnoticed. Not too many people know about SEO, but it can work wonders for their business’ growth for those who do. This is what allows you to know what customers are searching for on the internet. You could also use SEO to see how your competitors are doing. Understanding how SEO works is particularly important because this can help boost your company’s visibility exponentially, which leads to more sales. If you don’t know how SEO works, you can always hire SEO services to manage this part of your marketing strategy for you.

Display and Native Ads

Display ads are the typical banner ads that you see scattered all-around social media platforms and websites. Native ads are somewhat like display ads, except they match the form and function of whatever platform it’s on. These ads are also less annoying and leave more of an impact than a typical banner ad. But both ads are still critical. People may find these ads annoying at times, but it sure is memorable.

There are tons of different digital marketing components and strategies that you could use. The ones mentioned above are some of the more widely known and commonly used digital marketing components. There are other components such as Pay-Per-Click ads, PR, retargeting, SEM, email marketing, mobile apps, and websites, to name a few. If you want a strong digital marketing campaign, you have to take advantage of these several components available to you. These can cost a lot, but they’re worth it when you get the results you want.

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