How To Build an eCommerce Website From Scratch?

How To Build eCommerce Website

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The internet has transformed everyone’s lives, and it continues to do so as more people turn to it for their everyday needs. According to 2022 data, there are about 5.25 billion active internet users worldwide. And with this large user base, it’s not surprising that many business-minded individuals are taking advantage of this opportunity to build and grow their brands digitally.

Among the various businesses that have come to life on the internet, eCommerce stores are some of the most popular types. With an eCommerce store, you provide consumers with an online shopping experience that’s convenient, secure, and enjoyable. This eliminates the need for them to physically go to a store or wait in line to purchase specific items.

This feature is a significant advantage for consumers, which has led to the rise of eCommerce shopping globally. In a 2021 marketing report, eCommerce sales have reached $5.2 trillion worldwide, with a projected exponential increase in the coming years. This trend shows how profitable and promising eCommerce is, making it an attractive business idea.

How to create an eCommerce website

An eCommerce site may seem complicated, but creating one isn’t as challenging as it looks. With the proper steps and patience, you can build a successful online business from scratch. Here are the steps you need to take:

Creating eCommerce Website

Step 1: Formulate Your Domain Name

Your domain name is how your customers will find you online. It is the web address that they’ll use to access your website. People associate this with your brand, which is why it’s important to choose a name that reflects and represents your business.

When picking a domain name, make sure it is unique, easy to remember, and relevant to your store. You can use free domain name generators or brainstorm ideas on your own. Either way, what matters is that you come up with one that resonates with your potential customers.

Another crucial part of formulating a domain is your extension. This is the part that follows the name, such as .com or .net. You can choose from various extensions, but for an eCommerce business, .com is the most popular choice. It’s the internet’s primary domain name extension and is an excellent way to draw in customers.

Lastly, you must check the availability of your desired domain. It allows you to see if another website is using the same name or not. If it is, you might have to think of a new one. You can do so by using domain search engines. This speeds up the selection process and helps you develop a unique domain.

Step 2: Get a Reliable Hosting Provider and Choose Your Hosting Plan

Web hosting service is the backbone of your eCommerce website. It is what keeps it online and running by storing all your data on the internet. And to access this service, you must get a reliable hosting provider.

There are various providers with different packages that fit your budget and requirements. You have to assess them carefully and choose the one you think is best for your business. A WordPress website is ideal for an eCommerce store, and some hosting providers offer plans specially designed to accommodate WordPress platform.

You must also consider other factors when making your choice. These include the number of websites you can host on the same plan, storage space, bandwidth, customer service, and freebies. Many hosting providers boast a wide range of features, and it’s up to you to decide which is most viable for your business.

Step 3: Have a Website Builder or eCommerce Platform

Creating your eCommerce website from scratch is complex. It requires coding knowledge and experience in designing a web page—two skills that not everyone possesses. That’s why website builders and eCommerce platforms are helpful.

Website builders provide a user-friendly, intuitive interface that allows you to pick a template and customize it with just a few clicks. You don’t have to learn any codes or design principles, and you can create an attractive website quickly.

Meanwhile, an eCommerce platform is more suited for businesses that need a robust and secure online store. It can handle inventory management, payment processing, shipping, and other features that an eCommerce business needs.

Transform your existing WordPress website into an entirely new revenue source with a few easy-to-install plugins like WooCommerce. This is a great way to add a shop section to your existing website without creating a new one.

Step 4: Create eCommerce Website Pages

To complete your online store, you must create pages informing customers about what you offer. This includes product pages, landing pages, payment pages, contact pages, and the like.

You can start by creating product pages for each item you sell. This should include high-quality product images, a detailed description, and its corresponding price. Place these on a page and provide customers with an easy way to add items to their carts.

You can also create a landing page for your home and a contact page for customer inquiries and feedback. Setting up payment pages is also necessary, as this is how customers pay for their purchases. Lastly, provide customer service pages like shipping policies and returns/refund information.

If you’re having trouble organizing these pages, you can use a Content Management System (CMS) to make the process smoother. This will help you manage your website’s content and structure more efficiently.

Step 5: Track Progress and Update

A successful online store isn’t only about creating an attractive website. Several maintenance tasks, such as tracking your website’s performance and updating the site regularly, must be done.

You can use analytics tools to monitor traffic, page views, and conversions. This will allow you to identify areas that need improvement and update accordingly.

You must also regularly update your website’s content and design to keep it fresh and engaging for customers.

It might take effort and time, but these are important to ensure that your eCommerce store runs smoothly.

Can I build an eCommerce website on my own?

Absolutely, yes! You can easily build an eye-catching and efficient eCommerce website on your own. Just follow the simple steps outlined, and you’ll be able to create a fantastic e-store from start to finish. You can also use several tools and resources available to make the process easier. The internet has an incredible amount of information to offer, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to utilize it.

However, if you want to save time and effort, you can seek help from professionals like web developers and designers. Although these services cost money, they are worth the investment if you want a website tailored to your specific requirements.

Either way, with patience, hard work, and the right tools and resources, you can create an eCommerce website that stands out from the competition.

What is the best way to build an eCommerce website?

Crafting a successful eCommerce website requires personalization – there is no magic formula that fits every situation. It depends on your unique needs and the type of business you have. However, keeping the basics in mind is a great place to start.

To succeed, eCommerce websites must have a secure and easy-to-navigate user interface, secure payment gateway, inventory management system, and customer service pages. It should also have attractive visuals and compelling content to draw customers in.

Overall, the best way to build a full-fledged eCommerce store is to have a clear plan, use reliable resources and tools, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends. This will help you create a store that meets customer expectations and helps your business stay ahead of the competition.

How much does it cost to make an eCommerce website?

Online stores can be created through paid services, depending on your business needs. Platforms like Wix and Shopify offer website builder packages with different features ranging from $0 to $45 per month. Meanwhile, WordPress and WooCommerce are more affordable options as it only costs around $20 for the domain name, hosting service, and SSL certificate.

Additionally, you can also invest in the services of web developers and designers to create a custom eCommerce website. This usually costs around $2,000-$10,000, depending on the features you want and the timeframe for completion.

Ultimately, the cost of creating an eCommerce website depends on your needs and budget. It can be expensive or affordable, depending on how you approach it. But with proper planning and research, you can make a successful eCommerce website without spending too much.

Can I make an eCommerce website for free?

You can create a basic eCommerce website without spending a lot of money. Several platforms provide free hosting services, such as Wix, Shopify, and WordPress. However, these services may come with limited features or storage space.

If you want to build a more robust online store but don’t have the budget for it yet, you can start by using free services to create a basic website. Once your business grows, you can purchase more advanced hosting packages with better features. This allows you to save money while starting and growing your eCommerce store.

How do I market my eCommerce website?

Marketing your eCommerce website plays a crucial role in boosting online sales. You can use various tactics to get the word out about your business and drive traffic to your site. These include the following:

Social media campaigns

Harness the influence of social media to make your message heard by those you wish to reach. Create attractive visuals, post regularly, and engage with followers. With 4.76 billion active users, social media is an excellent platform for digital marketing.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO helps make your website more visible to potential customers. If you want to boost your website’s visibility and reach more customers, optimizing it for search engine use is an effective way of doing so. Higher rankings on the results pages will ensure that potential clients are able to find your services quickly and easily. Use relevant keywords in your content and optimize for mobile search.

Email marketing

This strategy involves sending promotional emails to your customers. You can use email newsletters, offer discounts, and share relevant content to keep customers interested and engaged.

Influencer marketing

You can also use influencers to reach a wider audience. This involves partnering with popular personalities in your niche to promote your products or services. This is especially useful if you’re targeting millennials and Generation Z.

Promotions and discounts

Entice customers to shop with you by furnishing them with financial incentives. Indulge their desires for savings and value, such as discounts, coupons, or promotions like free shipping offers or buy-one-get-one deals. Doing so will make your eCommerce site an attractive destination that potential buyers won’t be able to resist!

eCommerce sites continue to be lucrative business ideas with many advantages. If you’re planning to build an online store from scratch, keep in mind the above steps. With patience and the right tools, you can create an attractive and functional eCommerce website and start selling online. Before you know it, you are well on your way to a sustainable and profitable eCommerce business. So, don’t let your ideas go to waste—start building your online store today.

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