Sending Flowers And Maintaining Relationships Back Home: A Digital Nomad’s Diary


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Flowers are perhaps the best way to actually celebrate as well as brighten someone’s whole day or extend their sentimental feelings and, of course, love. Flowers make every day wonderful and enjoyable. Sometimes, we are just too busy, and there is never enough time to spend with our loved ones.

When you send a beautiful bouquet of flowers, let your loved ones know how much they matter to you. Think about it – we are all digital nomads in 2023. What’s better than flowers to keep up with everyone who matters to you? Nothing, really!

Flowers are literally the best gift that you can bestow upon your loved ones. You can easily express or convey your feelings to people who matter to you – from anniversaries and anniversaries to expressing sympathy; there’s so much that you can convey to your loved ones with a bunch of flowers.

For instance, if your loved one lives in Cape Coral, and you are located somewhere far off, just opt for flower delivery in Cape Coral and express your feelings without any hassle. It’s as good as it gets when you think about it.

Today, we will dive into a digital nomad’s mindset and talk about why sending flowers is the best way to show someone matters to you, even if you are located miles away from them.

The Art Of Sending Flowers

There is a reason why people love sending flowers, especially to express their love for close ones. For digital nomads, it also seems like the most practical option – you are located far away. Sending flowers to show support, express love, or anything else for that matter when you cannot be there is considered to be a sweet gesture universally.

In 1917, Henry Penn, the former President of the Society of American Florists, famously said, “There’s nothing you can’t say with flowers.” Since then, sending flowers has been a timeless gesture.

Of course, in case you feel like sticking to the primary tenets of conventional romance, then roses are definitely where you should look. The floral connection to love has its origins in Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, the goddess of love, Aphrodite, is believed to be so gorgeous that roses apparently sprang wherever she walked.

At the end of the day, when it comes to sending something simple yet meaningful to a loved one, the first thing that pops up inside most heads is flowers. Plus, the Instagram and TikTok-led generation has made a trend out of flowers – buying flowers for yourself or getting a few for your friends is just the hype of this season.

And that’s not all – of course, the traditional aspect of gifting flowers to your significant other is ALWAYS in trend.

Just think about it. Gifting flowers to someone is an effortless job – it can brighten your whole day, make you feel better, or just express your love. It is definitely a simple act, but there are phases when sending flowers could be potentially improper or embarrassing.

Sending Flowers And Maintaining Relationships Back Home: A Digital Nomad’s Diary!

So, here we are! Most of us will be digital nomads in 2023. It doesn’t matter where you are located anymore. But that doesn’t mean, as a digital nomad, you cannot maintain your relationships back home. Yes, video calling them is a great way – but isn’t that kinda ‘expected?’ What about sending a bouquet of beautiful flowers? Sounds so much better – doesn’t it?

Here we are with a whole bunch of reasons why you should send flowers to your loved ones, especially if you are a digital nomad.

1. To Express Your Love

It’s as simple as it gets. When you send flowers to someone who matters, you express your love for them. From your best friend and significant other to your parents, flowers always make people smile.

You can send a certain kind of flower to express your feelings – from apology to love, there are flowers for every occasion.

So what, you are located miles away from your partner? You can always send them flowers to show them how much you love them. Flowers have traditionally been associated with expressing love – and we love traditions!

2. To Make Someone Feel Special

This one’s as old as it gets. Flowers are a great way to make someone feel special, as we have been saying since the beginning. Sometimes, you don’t need any occasion to make your loved one feel important.

It becomes so difficult to keep up with everyone – our busy schedules make it impossible to stay in touch. And a few text messages or a video call doesn’t solve the problem, at least not for the long term.

But if you manage to find a few minutes to order your loved ones their favorite lilies or roses just because you want to make them feel special, it makes everything so much better, especially if they are having a bad day.

3. To Celebrate Someone’s Special Day

Now, this is how it all started! Is it your parent’s anniversary? Is it your best friend’s birthday? And you are still not sure what to get them, especially when you are located so far away. Well, the answer is really simple – just order them their favorite flowers.

Sometimes, we spend too much time worrying about what to get for someone close to us, especially if they are located miles away from us.

Bang! Enters flowers – these are perfect gifts for every celebratory occasion. It’s your best friend’s 25th birthday – send them flowers. It’s your parent’s 30th wedding anniversary – send them flowers. You get the drift…right?

4. To Apologize

Traditionally, flowers are gifts that you send to people on a celebratory occasion or something that you buy for your significant other (of course, you can buy flowers for yourself as well!). But if you think about it, a bunch of colorful flowers are also a great apology gift.

Digital nomads are called ‘nomads’ for a reason – they don’t settle down in one place. As a result, it is common to experience bitterness or disagreements in relationships with people who matter.

Most of us blame the distance, making zero efforts to solve problems. But sometimes, you don’t need to make anything right – instead, just send a bouquet of ‘I’m sorry flowers.’

5. To Express Sympathy

Again, digital nomads are called so for a definitive reason. And one of the biggest cons of embracing the life of a digital nomad is perhaps dealing with losing your loved ones. We have all been there – when you have met someone, not knowing it was the last time you were meeting them.

And sometimes, there is nothing you can do but express your sympathy via flowers. Hypothetically, you lose a close friend, and you are shocked. You don’t know how to contact your friend’s family and communicate with them. As a result, you say nothing and try moving on.

But what if you had sent flowers expressing your sympathy, support, and grief to your friend’s family? It would show that you actually care – and you are there if they need you.

6. To Show Kindness

We have all come across random acts of generosity or kindness where people actually do something selfless for another person. We have all been there – sometimes, we have done something selfless, and sometimes, we have been on the receiving end.

It can be something as simple as getting coffee for your colleague while you are buying coffee for yourself or smiling at someone to show your support on a difficult day. It could also be about sending flowers – it could also be a random act of kindness when you send flowers as an act of kindness.

7. Self Care

During any airplane emergency, the people responsible will tell you how vital it is to wear your Oxygen mask before you can help others with their masks. The same theory actually applies to many situations in life as well – like buying flowers for yourself as an act of self-care instead of expecting someone to get your flowers.

When you take care of yourself, it helps you to care better for others. So, it’s best to keep your mood and energy uplifted by sending yourself your favorite flowers regularly. Plus, for all Miley Cyrus fans, didn’t she talk about the importance of loving yourself or buying yourself some flowers?

8. Solution To A Bad Day

We have all been here – you just cannot have enough number of bad days. On a day when you are practically feeling low, think about a surprise delivery of colorful flowers that can definitely make your bad day so much better.

So, if your loved one is having a really bad day, what better than a flower bouquet to make their day feel better? Hopefully, once your surprise flower bouquet reaches them, they will at least go to bed with a smile and not a frown.

Flowers are perhaps the most underrated solution to a bad day – but they certainly aren’t appreciated much. It doesn’t matter where you are located – you can send flowers to your loved ones on their bad days and express support.

9. Replaces Emotional Words And Phrases

Sometimes, it appears to be difficult for most people to actually express how they feel – words are not their thing. They would rather stay silent. For several years, people have been expressing their feelings with flowers – whether it’s love, admiration, or apology, you will find flowers for every occasion.

Simply put, flowers can speak a secret love language and are often considered to be ideal for any setting. Fresh flowers can always be considered to be the perfect gift for expressing gratitude and bringing a smile to the receiver’s face instantly, expressing exactly what you wanted to convey in the first place.

10. Acts As A Health Remedy

Experiments and studies have shown that flowers have had the power to help heal medical diseases for several years now. Beyond the emotional factor and the typical beauty, there are multiple flowers that are considered to be the major ones in terms of preparing health medicines.

The unique fragrance that comes from flowers helps individuals to put up a fight against nausea, working as a natural pain reliever. The best part? You can order these online, avoiding any last-minute problems. Plus, all that fragrance is ideal for making you forget about all your worries.

11. It’s The Most Practical Option

As a digital nomad, you already know it is difficult to keep up with close friends, family members, and acquaintances. And just wishing your friends or family members on important days doesn’t seem like the best way to make them feel special. Yes, wishing them shows you are thinking about them, but it doesn’t make up for your prolonged absence.

And somewhere down the line, you already know that. But at the same time, your super busy schedule doesn’t permit you to actually plan what to do for your close ones, especially when you are located thousands of miles away.

You have only one solution in that case – just send them a bouquet of their favorite flowers. It not only shows you are thinking about them, but it also shows how much you really care about not making it on their special day.

Send Some Flowers Today!

Just like we mentioned a while back, there could be a hundred reasons to send flowers to someone who matters to you.

But at the same time, you can also send flowers just because you feel like it. For instance, think about this – your roommate is having a really bad day, and you send them a bunch of flowers at work. It will make them feel so much better just because of such a simple gesture.

Flowers are undoubtedly the best mood boosters out there. For every kind of bad day, there’s a flower out there that can make everything feel better.

Don’t you agree? Feel free to share your thoughts, opinions, and floral stories in the comments below!

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