The Most Important Parts of a Pay-Per-Click Ad

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Pay-per-click advertising is a marketing model that allows you to pay only when a potential client clicks on your ad. The amount you will pay for the ad depends on how much you bid for the keyword you want the ad to rank for and its possible competition. PPC advertising is one of the fastest methods of generating online traffic, and you can even build your online market by leaps and bounds within a few minutes.

According to companies offering PPC services in Raleigh, North Carolina there are many things to consider for an ad to reach its set objective. There are some factors that determine how well your campaign will work with other digital marketing channels and the type of data you will be able to track to measure its performance. The following are these primary PPC ad parts to look into.

The Ad Title

This determines the number of clicks you get on your ad. On Google, the ad title of a PPC campaign is shown in large blue fonts and underlined. The best practice when designing a PPC ad title is to ensure it is as authentic and yet captivating as possible. You would not want to lose a client’s confidence by including misinformation and half-truths in your title.

The Ad Description


This comprises a two-line text. On Google, the description is found in black on the right of your ad’s page next to its display URL. A well-designed PPC ad description is meant to convince a customer and capture his/her attention so you can pitch your product. You would want the client to look at the description and think ‘’this is what I’m looking for’’ and hence entice them to click on your ad and visit your site.

The Display URL

On Google, the display URL is a green text containing your website’s URL. It is indicated in a line of the right-hand bottom side of your ad. This URL will let your clients know which site they will be directed to and learn more about what you are offering when they click on your ad.

The Destination URL

This part of the ad is not visible to your client but will significantly impact the ad’s performance. The destination URL denotes the specific page on which your client will land when they click on your ad. Designing an exceptional PPC landing page should be a core task when putting together the ad since it gives the first impression of your business to a potential client.

Recent research estimated that businesses invest about $1200 on PPC marketing. Over 30% of these businesses, however, waste the money on campaigns which have no impact on their bottom line. This is because they do not know what will or will not work for their campaign and hence they put together a trial-and-error type of ad.

This should not be the case for your company. A PPC expert will collect different crucial data on your venture before advising you on what should constitute a successful PC ad for you. When professionally put together and executed, the above PPC elements will be the ones who will make a significant difference in your digital marketing profits.

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