Be Proactive: Knowing and Understanding the Needs of Your New Client

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For your business to thrive and succeed, a constant stream of clients is needed. And from time to time, you get new ones who will want to work with you. Having new clients in your roster should prompt you with measures to know and understand their needs.

A solid client-supplier relationship happens when you are really keen on solving their problems. When this is your foundation, you can expect that your ties with them will get stronger over time. But getting to know your new client may be quite challenging, given that you have no idea what their work styles and quirks are. It is time that you should make an effort.

The number one rule is that you have to stay relevant. You have to show them that your company is someone that they can trust. In this regard, you have to always come back to them with solutions. After onboarding your new client through some business software, now is the time to take note of the following:

Align the expectations

Because you have a new business relationship, it is vital that you talk to them right away. Set a meeting and ask them about their goals and expectations. You have to make sure that theirs and yours are aligned. Otherwise, you will not be able to take the same path; it may even lead to conflict.

Ask about relevant matters, such as their vision and their work style. With this, you will have a guideline on how you can adjust your team’s work styles and plans.

Give them a form to fill out

It is crucial to keep everything in black and white so that you will be able to protect yourself. Before every project, you should give them a form where they can detail all their plans and expectations for the project. Doing this will allow you to get insights that you have not mined when you talked to them initially.

You are also supposed to frame the questions in a way that will allow you to get specific answers.


Know their business

You will never truly understand the client if you don’t understand their business. Other than knowing the industry they are in, you are also supposed to know how each department works. You should have a grasp of their dynamics, as you know that you will become part of them eventually.

Be proactive

Don’t always expect your clients to call you and ask you to do something. Sometimes, it is your duty to initiate the talk so that you will find out what they actually need. More importantly, you have to remember that you should always have a solution at hand when you come to them.

Having new clients is good for business. Your next step would be to please them and get them to stay long with you. But that can only happen when you have a great foundation with them, to begin with. Invest time and effort in doing this. Delegate your best people, and always be proactive.

Clients admire suppliers and partners that have initiatives.

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