Common Reasons Your Business’ SEO Campaign Is Failing

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SEO is a necessary marketing tool that helps businesses maximise their reach online. The goal of this practice is to understand what people are looking for on the internet, what specific keywords they’re using, and what results they want to receive. Being able to identify these three things helps businesses cater to the right people with the best solutions.

The most cost-effective way to bring SEO into a business’s operations is to look into professional SEO services for e-commerce, start-ups, or service businesses as they offer the best return on investment. Businesses can also save money by doing everything on their own, but there are pros and cons to this option.

The backbone of a good marketing plan is a well-organised campaign that can generate a lot of exposure for a business and attract a slew of strong leads. Unfortunately, no matter how much thought and planning goes into a campaign, without professional guidance, there’s a bigger risk for it to fail. Not every campaign will have favourable results, but it doesn’t necessarily mean every plan that falls short of its goals should be immediately scrapped.

Of course, the best way to maximise everyone’s time and effort is to have the resources to identify and avoid the most common mistakes that plague failed campaigns in the first place. But knowing the top reasons why a campaign is unsuccessful can also help turn the tide on a campaign already in action. Here are the most common reasons to keep an eye out for.

An impractical budget and time frame

Budgets and time frames are incredibly important when planning out an effective strategy. Too short of a time frame and minimal financial investment can be detrimental to an otherwise effective plan of action. There should be enough time to properly implement all the necessary steps and enough money to fund the resources and labour needed to carry out a long-term campaign.

Unclear or unrealistic goals

No website can shoot up to the top in search engine rankings from just one day of implementing keywords. Unclear and unrealistic goals like this are the bane of marketing strategies. There should instead be objective and practical goals in place that serve as milestones to help the business achieve its end goal.

A clunky website

An outdated and inconvenient website is sure to rank poorly on search engines. The best web pages should load quickly, be responsive and optimised for mobile, and include interactive and engaging content. It should also be easy for customers to navigate and get their desired results.

No data tracking and analytics

charts and analytics

Tracking data and analytics is pivotal when it comes to ensuring the long-term success of a marketing strategy. The data gathered from these activities will help point out areas that need improvement and what necessary adjustments need to be made. Without this information, it’ll take much longer to address problems, and it’ll be challenging to understand what’s working and what’s not.


As previously mentioned, results don’t happen overnight. The average time for these marketing strategies to generate any notable developments is around three to six months, sometimes even more. A slow start to a campaign doesn’t mean it’s a failure; it just means it needs more time to flourish.

Misuse of keywords

Keywords are the building blocks to an outstanding campaign, but they can’t be used haphazardly. Keyword stuffing, broad keywords, and poor link usage can be incredibly detrimental to the health of a campaign. It’s essential to review the best practices of using these keywords strategically before misusing them and jeopardising the entire strategy.

Absence on social media

Anyone who isn’t taking advantage of social media at this point is being foolish. Social media platforms are designed for mass sharing content. Sharing content on these websites can help drive up visibility and engagement, thus positively affecting a website’s ranking.

Lack of a target audience

Going into a campaign without knowing who to target and what they’re searching for online is a small mistake that can have big consequences. An excellent campaign starts with a clear picture of the ideal buyer is and what they’re looking for online. Building a buyer persona is key to knowing who the ideal customer is, what they want, and how to fulfil their needs and desires. From this data, the right keywords and content can be pushed towards them, resulting in the success of the marketing strategy.

With this knowledge at hand, it’s easy to reevaluate what’s going wrong with a campaign, and then correctly address these issues, either by adjusting parts of the strategy or changing up the entire plan.

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