Upgrading the Office: Technological Innovations to Incorporate

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The continuous advancements of technology have paved the way for groundbreaking ideas across several industries. There are several products available in the market for improving different facets of everyday life, and the office is no exception. For some reason, many companies are neglecting this chance to enhance their current workplace. They are instead sticking to traditional methods that they are used to.

While there is nothing wrong with the traditional office setup, opening up your business to the improvements brought by technological innovations can significantly bolster your company’s productivity levels and overall chances of success. Here are a few examples of useful office tools that can make the workplace a better environment for both the manager and his (or her) employees.

Automated Time Tracking

With an automated time tracker, employees would not need to waste time filling in attendance sheets and manually clocking in with their time cards. A simple touch from their ID badges or fingertips will notify the system that the employee has logged in and is ready to work.

Using automated time trackers is also a smart way to combat time theft. Time theft occurs when an employee gets paid for logging in time that he (or she) did not work for. Several companies have lost substantial amounts due to employees forging manual time cards to steal time, and using an automated system eliminates that risk.

Installing a time tracker also means you are lessening the time-auditing tasks on the human resources team. Companies that use manual time coding ask their HR department to verify and audit the time cards of other employees. Still, if you run an automated tracking system, the HR team can use their energy for other essential matters such as recruitment and payroll. It is a win-win situation for the entire organization.

Employee Onboarding Tools

Onboarding is a crucial step in business since it can mold a newly-hired employee’s performance or complete a possible deal with a client. During this process, recruits and new customers are indoctrinated to the business’s core values and are educated on essential policies such as the company code of conduct. It is also in the onboarding stage that an employee starts to figure out how he (or she) can take an approach to work and adapt to the office environment.

Due to the quarantine protocols caused by the pandemic breakout, most companies are forced to work remotely temporarily. Remote work makes onboarding more challenging because managers can no longer communicate with the new employees or customers as easily as they would have in a physical setting.

Technology saves the day yet again, as there are more than a handful of tools available for running a new client onboarding system. These tools can make the onboarding process feel just as efficient and effective as an on-site meeting would be.

Virtual Meetings

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As mentioned earlier, most companies have been having trouble communicating effectively due to working remotely. With new applications such as Zoom and Google Meet quickly becoming popular, businesses can avoid this problem by setting up virtual meetings whenever necessary.

Virtual meetings are perfect for remote work settings because it caters to the convenience of the people involved. You do not need a heavy performance computer to run the app; you can join the meeting right on your smartphone while sitting inside your living room. These programs can be installed on multiple devices, allowing users to choose which they are most comfortable with.

File-sharing Technology

In a traditional setting, employees will share their files by passing around folders full of paper documents. Some companies have evolved a little, using digital files transferred through USBs to relay information across employees. The problem with these options is that both are dependent on the other person making time to see you. In a fast-paced working environment, it will be hard for other employees to accomplish that.

There are several file-sharing applications such as Box and DropBox that companies can look into if they wish to increase productivity through faster information transfers. By sending digital files through these apps, employees can save a lot of time, which they can use for other work instead.

File-sharing programs are also securely designed, with history tracking lets users monitor who has been accessing each file in the system. The history trackers can also monitor if any changes are made to a file and who created them. These features should allow businesses to feel more secure with their important files.

A business needs to keep on improving if it wants to succeed in today’s digital-driven world. Embracing the world of technology gives companies the chance to advance with the times and even move forward with the right choices.

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