How Can One Date during the Pandemic?

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People choose to date for various reasons. Some see it as a lifelong commitment that would eventually lead to marriage, while others date for simple companionship and enjoy the time. When people are dating, that is one of the most exciting parts of their lives. They get to meet with different people and have various interactions so that by the end of the day, they will be able to tell if they are compatible or not.

Going back, some people would chat online and then set up a date to see each other. Other people might have the same circle of friends or know people from work, and then one would ask another person to go out. It was that simple to set up dates, meet different people, and learn a lot about each other.

But fast forward to right now, wherein we are in the middle of the pandemic, and it may not be easy to meet different people.

Dating amid the Pandemic

So let’s start with the beginning of dating. Since most people are still quite affected by the pandemic and spend most of their time at home. It’s pretty hard to meet new people; from staying at home for so long, most people are again adjusting to being around other people, even their close friends. Most people are becoming introverts, and having social interactions with other people would be pretty awkward at first.

Well, what you have as an advantage right now is the number of ways you could get to know other people online through online dating apps and matchmaking services. Having more time spent at home and maybe on gadgets, it is effortless with just a few simple clicks; you can download various applications and start there. But as easy as it is online, we should always be cautious of scams and giving out our information.

Online Dating

If one person may enjoy reading books, that person can join online groups with like-minded people with similar tastes and get the chance to know other people with the same interests. While other people download applications like Tinder and many more social applications, they can easily find people with the same attributes and go from there.

People can become creative and resourceful in this pandemic, finding different opportunities and eventually meeting each other for the second or third time.

couple smiling

Meeting Up and Forming Attraction

This time people usually are already going out and seeing each other. But again, with the current situation that most people around the world can relate to, going out and seeing people we are dating is not something that we can freely do.

Good thing you have online platforms where you can freely call and communicate with each other. It has become quite famous for having dates over Zoom, one of the social applications used around the world. By setting up a date online and doing it over any social application, people can still dress up as they go outside.

Now, whether they have home-cooked meals ready individually or order some food, they can also set up the place to make it feel like they are together physically. Then they just set up their gadgets and have a video call. When they finish with their dinner or whatever meal or setup, they have planned. People can also enjoy playing a couple of games together online.

There are many multiplayer games online that are free to play, and if both have extra money, you can buy games online too. Well, if playing games together isn’t enough, now it’s effortless to have movie marathons together. People can download applications like Discord and stream any movie or show they like, which will be a date for both of them.

Now that you don’t get to do the things that you usually do on dates, you need to find a way to go around it and be creative. Many people are developing ways to make it easy for other people as well.

To make it simple, dating is quite tricky and challenging during this time. You might not be able to give all of your partners’ needs. Some people have different love languages; for example, with the love language physical touch, we cannot provide during the pandemic. You have to do your best and keep a healthy relationship.

Keeping in mind that we should always leave something for ourselves while we are dating or already in a relationship. The pandemic is taking a toll on everybody, and you have to find ways to go around it while still getting to enjoy love.

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