Design Options for Landing Pages for SEO

SEO Audit

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For most website owners, landing pages are primarily meant for conversion. However, these pages can be used to boost your search engine position as well with the tweaking of a few elements. Remember that once clients come to your website, they might not be automatically directed to your homepage. The search engines might instead lead them to a specific page on your site that matches their query.

Thus, you should ensure that your site’s landing pages will capture a client’s attention, answer their questions, and entice them to take a particular action. With the help of SEO services in Virginia to pick the right design for your landing page, this can be a reality for your site. The following are your most effective landing page design options:

Video Background Pages

The choice to have a video or static background for your website primarily depends on your target market. According to research, B2B markets do not care much about automatic video backgrounds, and this is attributed to a 33% bounce rate on most sites. To entice B2B buyers and keep them on your websites, opt for videos with controls or static backgrounds so that they focus on the key elements that enable them to make their purchase decision. Video backgrounds are undoubtedly among the best-performing SEO elements on a website aimed to B2C market.

Flat Landing Pages

These pages feature the minimalist design that is all the rage nowadays. The old-school design, which features a lot of elements, might distract clients from your central message and lead to fewer conversions, although it might work for B2C markets. Flat landing pages are clean and straightforward, so they will not appear too pushy. This allows you to slowly work on earning your clients’ trust and fostering a relationship.

Long-Form Pages

Short-form landing pages work best for minor tasks on your site, like making a small purchase or getting an email address. On the other hand, long-form landing pages will work wonders when gleaning a lot of marketing information from your clients. These pages will also keep clients on your webpage for a long time and boost your search engine position. Still, the ideal length for your landing page will depend on your budget and the complexities of what you are offering.

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Naturally Linked Pages

The creation of multiple search-engine-optimized landing pages is a foolproof strategy for gaining an optimal rank. However, you should ensure that the content on each of your pages is unique. After the creation of unique content, ensure that the pages are naturally linked so that visitors and search engines will easily navigate them. Isolating the pages leaves them orphaned and decreases their online visibility.

To guarantee that these designs work for your SEO position, ensure that you continually measure their performance. The primary metric for a successful landing page is click-through rate (CTR). A CTR of more than 50% generally means that your landing page is optimized for search. There is no single approach from the above that will work for all sites. An SEO expert will consider your business goals and the stage of your clients in the sales funnel to advise you on the best design for your site.

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