Must-have Digital Tools for Blogging

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Every successful website has a blogger working hard to come up with good content to generate traffic. To make a blog even more effective, however, having updated digital tools is crucial. While a hectic prospect, a blog must be able to stand alone, even without the 24/7 presence of the blogger. Quality content must also be posted consistently. Seeing as we’re in the digital age, though, such tools and gadgets are readily made available, created solely to boost your blogging career. Here are some of the best digital tools every blogger should utilize:

The Anatomy of a Good Blog

A successful blog should include the following:

Email subscription option

Your email subscription option will be able to convert casual visitors into email subscribers, which is a great way to build an audience. Building an audience also means building a network, as they will likely be sharing your content through the same platform, as well as other platforms like social media. The email subscription button will help expose your brand to new audiences. To maximize its potential, ensure that the email subscription button is highly visible to the audience.

SEO tools

Unfortunately, your content can only go so far. If you want to be on Google’s Top 10, it is integral that you integrate the use of SEO into your blog. Both keywords and content go hand in hand for SEO to work well, and for many, this can be quite intimidating. There are many types of SEO, two of them being off-page SEO and local SEO. Off-page SEO happens away from your site, while local SEO is heavily utilized for mobile phones. Begin utilizing SEO by identifying which one will work for you best. If SEO remains an unfamiliar turf, however, consider looking for services that offer off-page or local SEO in Denver.

Google Translate

This is a seemingly quiet tool. You may not even have thought of integrating it into your blog. It actually helps you build audiences out of your comfort zone (your native tongue). It helps you gather and attract new audiences from all over the world.

Share buttons

You can put your back into working tirelessly on content production and promotion, but at times, such efforts will not be enough. Your readers can help, though. Allow them to do so through the use of share buttons. Make sure that every post comes with the button, as this will help you expose your brand outside your blog.

Popular post widget

Going a bit technical, this can be utilized through the CSS function, with the help of thumbnail and auto-numbering functions. This widget will allow your readers to get to know your brand in a glance, which creates curiosity.

Search bar


Websites can sometimes be confusing to navigate, especially when you’re searching for specific information. To counter this, make sure that your website is equipped with a search bar, ever ready to aid your visitors. Not only is it functional, but it will also add to good user experience. This will encourage your audience to stay and go through the rest of your blog.


If your blog is specifically designed to be a business blog, then your content is targeted toward specific audiences. To maximize its potential make use of calls-to-action (CTAs) designed to encourage engagement such as subscriptions, events, and other marketing offers. CTAs are usually placed on the landing page, which is the first page your reader will see.

Contrary to what most believe, blogging is no easy work. It can be even more challenging as a career, but it does not have to be. The tools listed above are made to support and help you build a better blog as you advance in your career.

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