January 3, 2023

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Tech Lifestyle

Saving the world with a virtual reality experience in London

A virtual reality experience in London is a great way to move on from the stresses of the last 2 years and the pandemic. If you are looking to reunite with your friends which you may not have been able to see for a long time due to the lockdown. Maybe you are bringing back

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web design

What Do Web Visitors Want from Your Website?

In the past, websites are flat and static sites that provide the contact information of a business. All websites have in the past is information about what the business offers and how customers can contact the office. Business owners don’t even bother updating that website. But then came search engine optimization (SEO), e-commerce, and social

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two workers
Tech Lifestyle

3 Tips on Improving Your Production Line’s Thermal Efficiency

Any industrial business that needs precise temperatures — be it scorching hot temperatures in a smelting plant or subzero levels in deep refrigeration — spends a considerably higher amount of its running costs settling electricity bills compared with other utility costs. In such a setting, you could lower your operating expenses by using an automated

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Solar panel on a red roof

Use Technology to Add Home Outdoor Features for Sun and Air

The world has advanced much technologically but some things remain the same, such as people’s need for daily exposure to sunlight and fresh air. That is why homes must have outdoor features that allow residents to enjoy these two things. Fortunately, homeowners can now maximize the use of technology to ensure that their homes have

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medicine packets
Tech Lifestyle

Take Your Medicine: What You Need to Know

Doctors have long been warning people not to self-medicate and take prescribed medicines as scheduled and in the right doses. Many have violated these warnings at one time or another or did not take them seriously enough. Knowing how medicines act in the body will help you understand why you must heed these warnings. Absorption

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Integrated Marketing Campaign

The Key Elements Of A Successful Integrated Marketing Campaign

The landscape of marketing has changed exponentially thanks to the internet. Traditional advertising strategies now have to be supplemented with various other communication channels to effectively get a message across to as many people as possible. To take advantage of all the mediums available, this is where integrated marketing campaigns come in. What is integrated

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working from home

3 Ways to Be Calm and Productive When Working from Home

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to grip the UK and the rest of the world, the odds are not yet in people’s favour. It may take a few more months before it completely disappears from the planet (hopefully). Until then, everyone has to deal with the new normal. That includes doing work from home. How can employees who

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seo concept written on small blocks

SEO Is About Humans, Too

When people say SEO, businesses automatically think of Google ranking. They are not misguided to think that’s what it’s all about, but they might be looking at a small part instead of the big picture. Though SEO means search engine optimization, it’s a disadvantage to the company if you disregard the human aspect when designing

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